How to Help
Financial: We need financial support from people who share our dream. Please make checks payable to "Science with a Mission" and mail to 602 Massapoag Ave. Sharon, MA 02067. All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for this purpose.
There are lots of options for ways you can give. Here are some suggestions.
One-time gift
Monthly giver
Gift in memory or honor of somebody (a card will be sent to the person you honor, if an address is included)
Give toward a specific need (ask us for a wish list, if you would like to see some ideas)
Remember SMI in your estate planning (consider a charitable gift annuity)
Donated Services: Here is just one suggestion: We would love to have new brochures available to hand out at conferences and speaking engagements. This requires printing services and paper.
Newsletter: If you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter, just send us an E-mail.
Prayer Partners: If you would like to be informed of specific prayer requests, please let us know if you prefer E-mail or postal mail for communication.
Volunteer: Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas. Most important right now is publicity and fund raising. Other areas include web searches, phone calls, letter and grant writing.
Host a talk: If you live in the northeast and are willing to host a presentation about Science with a Mission for your civic organization, Bible study or any other group, please contact us.